Best Bet This Weekend! Watch Bare Feet in NYC Marathon
By Liam P. Cusack
Sep. 7, 2018: New York, NY – Looking for new places to explore in The Big Apple, or seeking new things to do the the “City that never sleeps.” PBS’ Create has you covered. Join travel show host extraordinaire, Mickela Mallozzi, and watch (or set your DVR) the BARE FEET IN NYC MARATHON #BareFeetNYC this weekend.
Join Mickela and take a bite out of the Big Apple’s eclectic culinary and cultural scene alongside two New York natives. BARE FEET host Mickela Malozzi kicks up her heels while discovering the dance and music traditions of Broadway, Harlem, the Bronx and the Lower East Side. Then, Real Food’s Mike Colameco meets the chefs behind the city’s vibrant bars and restaurants, while enjoying their signature dishes.
The show will be on PBS’ Create Saturday, Sep. 8 6am-12pm ET; Saturday, Sep. 8 – 6pm – 12am ET & Sunday, Sep. 9.
And don’t forget to watch BARE FEET with MICKELA MALLOZZI, one of the best travel shows on TV, as she travels the world, and experiences the world one dance at a time.
Make sure you check out Mickela’s website at